DC702 is a local group of tech enthusiasts and DEFCON fans who gather together to share their knowledge and passion for all things tech. The group meets on a weekly basis for activities such as lock picking and Hack the Box challenges, and members are encouraged to join the Discord channel to take part in the ongoing conversation. Whether you're a seasoned hacker or just starting out, DC702 provides a welcoming community where you can learn, share and grow with like-minded individuals.



C2Society, previously known as DC702, was founded in 2020 and became a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading security awareness throughout our local community. Our organization is a group of dedicated individuals from all walks of life who share a common bond and passion for security and various IT disciplines. 

The Petting Zoo

While using a CTF competition as the center point of awareness, The Petting Zoo’s mission is to expose participants to the various threats of the world, and show that mitigation starts with each member. In addition, education resources and tangible examples will provide an environment where further interest can be explored.

For best experience, join our Discord Channel
